
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Lets Get Started...

So, I've decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon. I have no idea why I decided to take this on but once the inspiration hit there was no stopping it. Of course, if I kept track of all the things I've done that I should have known better about... it would be incredibly depressing and more than a little bit embarrassing - so I don't keep track. It's easier that way.

That being said, I'm not entirely sure what this blog will consist of. I've seen cooking blogs, photo blogs, scrapbooking blogs, family blogs, homeschooling blogs and some people that have one of each. Knowing me, I'll be lucky to keep one blog going with any regularity.

I suppose this blog will be just what my daily life is... a mishmash of family, cooking, homeschooling, photos, scrapbooking, and whatever else we can cram in here.

To begin, I suppose it's only fair to tell you a little bit about myself. I'm 34 years old. I've been married to a great guy (D.) for over 15 years and am mother to (M.) a 9 year old whirlwind who fancies himself to be a karate chopping, Alton Brown wannabe, computer geek-in-training. Our whole family started out on a new adventure this fall when we started homeschooling for the first time! I'm as excited as can be... not to mention terrified!

Thanks for stopping by! I'm looking forward to this... if nothing else, it will be entertaining!


  1. Hi Kim-
    Great intro & post on the workboxes. I just started a blog also and use workboxes. I hope you'll check it out and I look forward to reading more of yours!

  2. Hi there! Welcome to the blogging world!
    I started a blog last month with no set direction but I love my blog now and am sad when I cannot blog. *Oh my, I think I realized I may have an addiction...* LOL
    We started homeschooling for the first time this year (school year anyway) also!
    Blogs are great, I think, for meeting new people, sharing ideas, accomplishments and just for randomness :)
    Thanks for taking a moment to stop by mine :) it led me to yours ;)
    Have a great day!

  3. Thank you for the warm welcome! I completely agree about how great it is to be able to see what others are working on, thinking about, and how they live! I can't believe how many cool ideas I've gotten from just bouncing from one blog to another.



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